Aulia - Grace - Nancy |
My visit in St. Theresia Senior High School, for Teaching Assistance program, was not too bad, it was ok. We had to be ready to start teaching at the classroom for this second week. The thing is we are there for only 3 days, and then we have to be ready to teach. We did not get a chance to observe the classroom that we wanted to teach. Our mentor didn’t allow us to observe her class; because it was the time for the students to take an exam. She said we would disturb the class for our presence. So, we did not have the chance to observe her class but; we were able to observe the other teams’ class. As a result, we did not know the situation in the classroom for my mentor. I could only imagine what it was like. Our mentors didn’t really agree on our time allocation for teaching – 2 x 20 minutes. They said it was too short of a time so; they changed it to 1 x 45 minutes so we can learn how to teach more effectively.
Before I got to teach that day, I entered the other team’s class to know what it looked like to teach there. We had the same topic to teach: gerund, infinitive, and participle. We had a deal to make the lesson plan together, but each of team teaching had to pack it their own. I was paired with Nancy for team teaching and packing the lesson plan. We were to teach gerund only because, we thought the topic was too overwhelming. We may not cover all of the topics.
Students in St. Theresia Senior High School |
When it was time for Nancy and I to teach, I was really nervous. Nancy remained calm. She helped me calm down because, I was really nervous. We started with introducing ourselves and “breaking the ice”. We distributed a passage for the material. I had 2 students read the passage out loud and then discussed it. We asked them to find the gerund forms on the passage. Then we explained what a gerund is. Finally, we made a quiz but, we made it more fun by turning it into a game. The students were really exciting about it because they could all answer. Not all of them answered it correctly, there were 1 or 2 students that made a few mistakes but, that is just part of the learning process.In conclusion, I suppose the quiz was an effective way to help me evaluate how the lesson went. With the exam we understand how well they understand the material. The passage wasn’t really effective because we discussed the lesson afterwards such as; the main idea; the characteristic; etc. It would not have been really effective if we’re dealing with grammars. We didn’t want to put it that way. But that’s the request from our mentor.
that sounds great, put the games or some quizzes as part of learning . i agree, it will be more fun and effective to students understanding the subject.
Yeah, you are right! Hope you can see their faces when we played the game. They were all enthusiastic, yet most of them understand about the material because they answered it correctly.
i guess you should write more about the whole situation cuz i know you had hard time. tell us more about your experience teaching there. :)
but, ya that's true. to have a more effective teaching and learning, using game is a great idea. and i bet it already proved by you.
Oh yeah, I really forgot the most important thing. Thank you synta for the suggestion! I'll fix it later ok :)
Like i have said that the quiz still have a weakness. Not all students were engaged in the quiz although the main factor was because the class arrangement was not supported our learning activity. Maybe for next time, we have to anticipate such a problem like this. ok ul!!
Nice to be my partner aulia agustin... ,muaaaccchhh :P
Alright, partner! We have to prepare "plan B" or "plan C", right?
But I think it's not because the quiz has a weakness. The quiz is good enough, the thing is that we shouldn't have them made a group because as you said that the classroom didn't support our activity. It limits the students' space so that they can't have free interaction to the other peers.
hei Aulia:
i remember each and every step that we took. I thought that your mentor teacher is a little bit conservative. onfortunately she did not really care about us. but as a new comers, we have to be patient.at the end, we can make it. we shoen them how to teach ib a different way, and that makes us feel great. tq for your partnership :
Yes,grace, we made it! But, we were not partners hahaha :P. Anyway, thanks for your help on those two weeks teaching assistance program! It was pleasure to have you be with us!
Yet, yes, my mentor teacher is kind of conservative. She won't let us do what we think is good for the students, for example: she won't let us do the PBL at the beginning of the session. She thought that the students wouldn't be able to grab the lesson very well with PBL. Well, I suppose it was sort of part of our learning to become a teacher, right? :D
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