Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fast Food Generation

          It seems to me that we now live in a fast food world, where we can get food in just a quick time. Well, quick in here is not always good. Further, in my opinion, it’s bad. But why fast food is bad? It's simply because we now are losing our sense of eating itself. We eat and gather together with our family  so that we can have this sense of eating with family around. What can fast food say about? Many fast restaurants were designed so that the people could leave fast, example: the "carry home" food, or delivery order. Also, many fast food is junkies. They are full cholesterol. So that many people gain weight easily. 

         There are four considerations to categorize food into fast food; efficient, controllable, predictable, and technology usage. Efficient is for the quick time people get when they are served in fast food restaurant. Controllable is for getting the food ready in control, for example the food must get ready in always the fix time (15 minutes). Predictable is for the food that we can always predict the taste and the shape. And else, fast food companies always use a high technology rather than human touch in producing the food.      

         So, if you find all these four criteria in your food that you are eating, it might be fast food. Besides that, fast food is often cheap. In other counties like US and European counties, fast food that is served in like McDonalds, Pizza Hut, or KFC, is quite cheap. But in here, in my country, Indonesia, those kinds of food are quite expensive. So, thanks to God I don’t eat that a lot for like everyday.

        Maybe McD's is quite expensive here, but what about noddles on packages? Those are pretty cheap and we eat a lot of these things. That has already been in our culture. Even, we can get this only for a thousand rupiahs. People seek for the cheap and fast one. So, that is why we eat that a lot. Lets just don't use "we" in here. I myself eat that a lot (at least before I knew it is included in fast food). But I am trying to make it less.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

reNEWable Energy for Earth Fate

We had a jigsaw presentation in Environmental Education class once. My group - we got to present about energy so we named it out "reNEWable Energy for Earth Fate".

As we know, we definitely need energy to support our life, our daily activity. We need it because we consume it for almost everything; cooking, taking on transportation, putting on electricity, and so on. Those kind of things could cause some problems, especially on our environment. 

From exploiting the sources into energy until consuming it, we had caused the damages to the environment, for example: the fossil fuel. We exploited it into energy so that we can drive on our rides (cars, buses, motorcycles, etc). Don't you know that the fossil fuel could only be recycled in hundred years? That's such a lot of time! It means that we had taken out our natural resources more and more. After that, we drove on our rides that produced the gas emission. That's the main problem that caused the greenhouse effect a.k.a globalization. 

We need to change! That's the purpose of this renewable energy. We can now change to consume renewable energy, from the wind power, solar heat, and bioenergy. We have all this wind almost every time so that we can change it into energy. We also have the solar heat on day time and summer. And to produce this bioenergy we can take it from the woods. The problem of bioenergy is that it takes longer time to renew the energy because we have to plant the trees again, but at least we don't have to wait until hundred years to get the sources.

A lot of countries have applyied these renewable energies to solve the problems of damaging environment, such as Sweden, India, Zimbabwe, and others. Now its time for our country to do the same!