The most memorable experience for me in this whole Teacher Assistance Program in SMA St. Theresia, during our two weeks school experience, was when my mentor teacher shared her experiences in teaching. She was talking about money, how teaching is worth it for a lot of money. She convinced us that becoming a teacher is pretty good because of what could we get. If we are creative enough to make products, like she showed us her modules for listening comprehension that she arranged by her own, we could get a lot of money. Yes, I agree that we could make money from our creativity. But for the modules that she arranged by her own, that she told me that’s how she gets money, I was just like unbelievable. I was thinking about the copyright issue. I wasn’t investigating too much about it so that I don’t really know about that issue. But I wouldn’t do that if I were her.

Well, I know that we are as human beings definitely need money to make a living. However, for me myself, I don’t really care about that. No no no, I do care but that’s not the only thing I am searching for in becoming a teacher. If I wanted to become a rich woman, I wouldn’t make myself to become a teacher. I would maybe become a business woman, not a teacher. I just feel comfortable to work with children, that I can see them understand something I told them about. I know what I am doing, and I am sure that’s what I want to do in my life. As when I experienced teaching there like the real teacher, I was satisfied enough. Well, I didn’t really observe the class I wanted to teach because our mentor teacher felt that we might disturb her students for our presence. So, I didn’t get a chance to observe the class. When it was time for me (and Nancy as team teaching) to teach, I was so nervous but it moved easier for me to handle the class as the more time I spent there. Even the time (45 minutes) I spent in teaching felt like moved so fast. It makes me can’t wait to become the real teacher!
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