In my visit to St. Theresia Senior High School, for the Teaching Assistance program, in these two weeks (week 6 and week 7), I observed an English language teacher in her classroom. Her initial name is MG. She has been teaching there for 14 years. Actually, I had a little time and access to observe her classroom due to several things; I only had 8 days to visit there; and she wouldn’t allow me to observe her class because she thought I would disturb a teaching and learning process with my presence, yet I still took one chance to enter her class when she asked me to do an assignment. I was put at the back of the class, so I would not make any inconvenience to them.
The school, as I could see, has good facilitation. They have a Language Laboratory that Ms. MG always uses most of the time. This Language Laboratory has one LCD in front of the room and about 40 seats along with the computers. There is also one computer along with the internet access on the teacher seat that could be accessed by Ms. MG anytime. She never even went to a classroom as far as I observed her. She admitted to me that she is focusing more on the listening part, and one student I interviewed agreed to the statement.
Language Laboratory in St. Theresia Senior High School |
She uses podcast for the listening material she gives to the students. She also told me that she often accesses google to find the materials for the lesson. She needs to find a high quality material (mostly a passage), like the present news happening around the world; not only the one she can find on the students’ textbooks. She thinks that her students need to know the news spread out around the globe because the students will face the real world, like colleges, soon after they graduate from high school. It is very good to improve students’ knowledge about the real life. Afterward, she uses a computer to make all the listening materials for her students. She even creates the module for the listening part.
Therefore, I think Ms. MG has already got in touched with those digital medias. She has already been using them as the purpose of language learning. However, in my opinion, those digital medias are not maximally used by her. She’s not using them effectively. She uses them mostly for listening comprehension.
If I were to teach there with the same good facilitation and lesson, I wouldn’t take my students to go to the Language Laboratory all the time. I think this lab limits the students space. Every seat has a divider wall that bounds to one and another. This lab lets the students to have a little interaction with their peers. I would, instead, teach in the classroom, and go to lab if necessary. Still, I can use the digital media to teach language. I could introduce facebook as a tool to study, not only for entertaining.